Julia, he seems to be well on his way to making that embrace; some of his remarks to you I'm sure would seem heretical to many, if not most, of his fellow elders or other uber JWs. Nonetheless , I would still recommend circumspection when discussing your misgivings with him.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Another elder came and told me I'm not an apostate and no-one can judge me.
by Julia Orwell ini'll call him bear, like teddy bear because he's big and nice.
bear's the coboe, an intelligent but jittery man who suffers from a host of anxiety disorders.
he 'just happened' to be driving down my street after the group, and 'just happened' to notice i was at home, tending to some animals.
are the elders waking up too?
by nowwhat? inwe have an older very faithfull elder body and whenever they talk about armegeddon or the end of this system of thiings, they always use "very near, close, soon, etc".
well on the stage one elder when talking about the great tribuation this week , he said "possibly in our lifetime" !!!
that really caught my attention and even my wife's too!
Room 215
They may be bullied into keeping their misgivings to themselves, but lots of the friends I know find this recent spate of revisionism -- i.e. first the "overlapping generations" and this most recent FDS/GB fiasco unsettling.
"They went out from us, but they were not of our sort..." - worst ever scripture to lead an anti-apostate talk?
by cedars inthe program for the 2013 convention series has been drawn to my attention.
here is a link to it.... http://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=pdf&output=html&pub=co-pgm13&langwritten=e&option=trgchlzrqvnyvrxf&txtcmslang=e.
there is a saturday morning symposium on "apostates.
Room 215
They use more exclamation points per line than the average edition of Batman comics...
And I thought memorials were supposed to be a solemn occasion!
by cedars injust found this on youtube.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1eic5fiywe.
not that i blame them for making the most of an otherwise dreary event, but i've never known a memorial to be treated like a high school prom before!.
Room 215
Ah guys, lighten up, will ya? It's their faux-Easter!
Recent Article on Dinosaur DNA , Decay Rates,etc.
by Perry indna in dinosaur bones?
by brian thomas, m.s.
finding dinosaur dna is as unthinkable to an evolutionist as finding a flat earth would be to a geographer.
Room 215
I'm really sorry I never kept my Green NWT Bible with the dino illustration (I remember drawing eyeglasses on mine!)... I wonder how much a copy fetches on the collector's market.
If the Governing Body are the Faithful and Discreet Slave, Could the Governing Body all die at once?
by Eustace ini'm thinking that if all the governing body members all died at once, it would disprove this whole "the governing body are the faithful and discreet slave" business once and for all.. the faithful and discreet slave, according to watchtower teaching, will continue to exist into the time of the end.
so if the governing body all die at once, that means they ain't the faithful and discreet slave.. they need more youngish gb members quick!.
Room 215
Whatever one may think of its speculations and lines of reasoning, what strikes me is how much better it's written than the current level of WT output.
by Girlie inand then, immediately after babylon the great is destroyed, almost without a break, look at matt 24 :29 -immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.. now in what sense will the sun be destroyed and the moon not give its light?
are you ready for that?.
and you'll fall across the finish line into the new world !
Room 215
Rattigan, how does one manage to sleep while out in service?
There is no doubt that Adam wasn't the first man. How do believers get around that small fact?
by jam inusing bible in determing the date of the creation of adam .
anyone in their right mind believe this to be true in today age.. don,t you think this nullify the whole bible?
the very first book.
Room 215
tough questions, these, for believers.
by ÁrbolesdeArabia infor a religion that claims to be "fearless and bold" the watchtower has avoided writing about islam and muslim practices and how they are part of babylon the great.
the attacks on christendom are not a bold move because the "tower" and "gb" know the christian church is not going to send a suicide bomber into a kingdom or district convention.
it's not fair to christendom to receive all the hate speech from the "leaning tower of brooklyn", why don't they write the truth about islam?
Room 215
I've yet to hear of them trotting out a converted ex-Muslim for applause at one of their assemblies; how about you?
NEW LIGHT: The WT Leadership has been wrong about their own identity for the last 93 years!
by Oubliette inso by now, we all know about the "new light" concerning the "faithful and discreet slave" class being the governing body and just the governing body.
other "anointed ones" need not apply.
you've been summarily kicked to the curb.
Room 215
You gotta love the way they throw ol' Charlie Taze Russell under the bus with this "Nu-Lite!"